Full Disclosure

Full Disclosure

We do not claim ownership of the Horizontal Garage Door concept. Someone much more creative and smarter than I am invented the design and system. Our claim to fame is that we solved the problem and figured out a way to pass UL 325 standards, thus bringing the invention to the North American market. The Horizontal Garage Door idea came to us out of necessity. I was building a home and wanted a very large garage door opening (20’W x 10’H). After framing in the opening, I searched for a garage door and ran into one road block after another: “Garage doors aren’t that big.” “Commercial roll ups are not for residential use.” “We don’t sell Horizontal Garage Doors in the United States.”

The Horizontal system was a perfect fit for my home so I decided to build my own. Using parts and pieces readily available, my proof of concept worked like a charm and yes… a motor bought off the shelf will travel 20’ with a slight modification. The system cost me about $3,000 with moderate effort for installation. Why can’t this be purchased in the US? Because it doesn’t meet UL 325 Compliance.
Solving the UL 325 problem took almost 2 years of R&D and I found a network of top shelf industry leaders along the way.

Now we have a viable business and sales model that appeals to almost everyone who wants a garage door. Everyone now has a choice… vertical or horizontal… it may not be as cool as sliced bread, but Horizontal Garage Doors are pretty close!


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